The University Doctoral Excellence Scholarship is now open.
Submission period via Modulo: 16 September 2024 - 08 October 2024 12.00 noon
All information can be found at the link below:
Requests from the Doctoral School of Linguistics to consider when submitting your application:
When filling in the Modulo form, consider the evaluation criteria of the call for proposals.
It is advisable to summarise and upload your scoring achievements (structured according to the evaluation criteria) in a file called 'Professional CV'.
This file and any annexes should contain all the information in Hungarian or English that is needed to assess the activity (bibliographical data of articles in languages other than Hungarian, English, German, French, Italian should be translated into Hungarian or English; certificates in languages other than Hungarian, English, German, French, Italian should also be translated into Hungarian or English).
Information about supplementary doctoral scholarships at the University of Szeged: pdf
István Kenesei, professor emetitus, corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), founder and former head of the Doctoral School in Linguistics, was elected full member of HAS on May 3, 2022.
Enikő Németh T., university professor, doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), head of the Doctoral School in Linguistics, was elected corresponding member of HAS on May 3, 2022.
Conditions and steps of submitting a PhD dissertation:
Among the best Universities in the world, SZTE is on the QS study field list:
- The best result within the humanities was reached by the field of linguistics, in which the SZTE institution took the place 251-300.
University of Szeged's linguistics is the only Hungarian school that figures in the latest QS ranking of universities by subjects:
Lingusitics PhD student gets Marie Curie Fellowship at Barcelona: bulatovic_marie_curie_grant.pdf