Programme director: Anna Fenyvesi

Institute of English and American Studies

H-6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2.

Phone/fax: +36-62-544-262

E-mail: fenyvesi at


Using theoretical linguistics as its foundation, the program combines synchronic, empirically based English linguistic research and Hungarian-English comparative linguistic research. Within the field of applied linguistics the program emphasizes the study of the process of foreign language learning, second language acquisition, sociolinguistics, language contact, discourse analysis, and language planning (with special attention given to the issues of language contact, the planning of language learning, and teaching).


Language of instruction: English

8 semesters – total credits: 240

1. Obligatory requirements (200 credits)

a) Research (a total of 170 credits, as follows: 10 each in semesters 1 and 2, and 25 each in semesters 3 through 8)

Research leading to the dissertation, as specified by the dissertation advisor.

The research requirement involves completion of a research report in each of the first two semesters of coursework, to be accepted by the dissertation advisor, and the completion of a publishable paper in each semesters 3 through 6.

In semesters 7 and 8, completed chapters of the dissertation are to be handed in and an oral presentation based on them to be given for the successful fulfillment of the research credits.

b) Obligatory courses: 6 (contact hours: 2 hours weekly, 5 credits per course, total of 30 credits)

Semester 1:

  1. 1.Sociopragmatics (Suszczynska)

  2. 2.Second Language Acquisition (Peckham)

3. Research Methods 1: Quantitative (Lesznyák)

Semester 2:

4. Research Methods 2: Qualitative (Williams)

5. Bilingualism and language contact (Fenyvesi)

6. One of the following:
Foreign Language Learning, Teaching, and Assessment (Doró) OR
Third Language Acquisition (T. Balla) OR
Translation studies (Lesznyák) OR
Academic Writing and Presentation Skills (Doró and Fenyvesi)

2. Optional requirements (a total of 40 credits, 20 of them to be completed in semesters 1–4 and 20 in semesters 5–8, to be fulfilled in any combination of the five categories of requirements below)

a) Optional courses (from any program within the Doctoral School of Linguistics): 4 credits each (a maximum of one per semester, to be taken with the approval of the program director and dissertation advisor)

b) Directed study (with dissertation advisor) (4 credits per semester)

c) Conference presentations (individually authored or co-authored presentation or poster presentation listed in the conference program)

poster presentation in mother tongue    1

poster presentation in a second/foreign language    2

oral conference presentation in mother tongue    4

oral conference presentation in a second/foreign language    5

d) Paper published or accepted for publication

paper in mother tongue    4

paper in a second/foreign language    5

e) Teaching (one one-hour seminar course of 14 weeks: 2 credits; a maximum of 8 credits per semester, and a total of 48 credits as per University of Szeged Regulations of Doctoral Studies and Conferring the Doctoral Degree).

f) Scholarly peer review    1


Discourse analysis

Bilingualism and language contact

Language rights and language ideology

Second language acquisition



Third language acquisition

Translation studies


Third or additional language learning/acquisition

Individual differences in second language acquisition

SLA: The role of CLI in additional language learning

Bilingualism and language contact, Individual bi- and multilingualism

Discourse analysis: Critical discourse analysis as ideology critique

Language Rights and Language Ideology: Ideological conceptualizations of Language (use)

Conversation analysis: theoretical underpinnings and applications

Language attitudes


Crosscultural and intercultural pragmatics

Digital language use

Implicit and explicit learning of second languages 1.

Implicit and explicit learning of second languages 2.

Individual differences in second language acquisition

The effects of instruction on L2 learning

Theories and approaches to linguistic politeness and impoliteness

Third Language Acquisition: The role of cross-linguistic influence in additional language learning / acquisition


Research topics and faculty supervising student work in them:

Dr. Bakti, Mária:


Dr. Doró, Katalin:

Second language acquisition

Dr. Fenyvesi, Anna:

Language contact


Dr. Huber, Máté:


Dr. Peckham, Donald W.:

Second language acquisition

Strategies of foreign language learning

Dr. Lesznyák, Márta: 

Translation studies

Dr. Suszczynska, Malgorzata:


Dr. Péter, Róbert:

Computational linguistics

Dr. Tápainé Balla, Ágnes:

Third language acquisition

Dr. Williams Thomas:

Second language acquisition



Mária Bakti

Katalin Doró

Anna Fenyvesi

Donald W. Peckham

Máté Huber

Márta Lesznyák

Malgorzata Suszczynska

Róbert Péter

Ágnes T. Balla

Thomas Williams

Infrastructure available to students:

Ph.D. students can use the university library as well as have their own shared office with computers.


1st year

Awder Raza Aziz

Farnoosh Mohammaddokht

Syasya Qistina

Arinal Rahman

2nd year:

Kostic, Adriana

4th year:

Burai, Andrea

Luyu Chen

Püski, Gyöngyi

Tamás, Tamara

Students with completed coursework:

Abdelreheem, Hasnaa Hasan Sultan

Aradi, Csenge Eszter

Asztalos-Zsembery, Eszter

Baranyi-Dupák, Karina

Bozsó, Réka

Deli, Zsolt Pál

Felvégi, Zsuzsanna

Gábrity, Eszter

Korpas, Olivera

Kovács, Emőke

Kovács, Eszter

László, Paulina

Molnár, Tímea

Nagy, Judit

Ódry, Ágnes

Sadouki, Fatiha

Skadra, Margit

Vásári, Nikolett

Program graduates:

Doró Katalin (2008): The written assessment of vocabulary knowledge and use of English majors in Hungary

(Advisor: Donald W. Peckham)

Rápoltiné Keresztes, Csilla (2010): Investigation of English language contact-induced features in Hungarian cardiology discharge reports and language attitudes of physicians and patients

(Advisor: Anna Fenyvesi)

Kalocsai, Karolina (2011): Communities of practice and English as a lingua franca: A study of Erasmus students in Szeged

(Advisor: Donald W. Peckham)

Tápainé Balla Ágnes (2012): The role of second language English in the process of learning third language German

(Advisor: Donald W. Peckham)

Kiss Zsuzsanna Éva (2013): Language policies and language ideologies related to multilingualism: A case study of the Hungarian minority population in Szeklerland

(Advisor: Miklós Kontra)

Balogh Erzsébet (2014): Language attitudes towards English accent varieties: Hungarian secondary school students’ identifications, evaluations, and comments concerning foreign accented Englishes

(Advisor: Anna Fenyvesi)

Hardi Judit (2014): Assessing young learners’ strategic L2 vocabulary learning in the framework of self-regulation

(Advisor: Donald W. Peckham)

Dégi Zsuzsanna (2019): EFL classroom interaciton from a multilingual perspective within the Transylvanian school context

(Advisor: Anna Fenyvesi)

Fűköh, Borbála (2020): Establishing the Context and Scoring Validity of the Writing Tasks of Euroexam International’s English for Academic Purposes Test (advisor: Barát, Erzsébet)

Garzon Duarte, Eliana (2021): Identity Negotiation through the Lens of Language Rights: Refugee and Migrant Children and Youths in MissionPlace*, Budapest (advisor: Barát, Erzsébet)

Galiere, Mehdi (2021): Discourses of critical literacy practices: A microethnographic case study of the Paris Self-Managed High School (LAP) (advisor: Barát, Erzsébet)

Huber, Máté Imre (2023): Pluricentricity in foreign language teaching: The case of English and German in the Hungarian education system (advisor: Fenyvesi, Anna)

Kouraichi, Bochra (2023): The Use of Motivational Strategies in the EFL Classroom: Teachers’ and Students’ Perspectives in Tunisian Universities” (advisor: Lesznyák, Márta)

Myintzu, Winn (2023): Communication Strategies in ELF Interactions: An Analysis in the ASEAN Context (advisor: Donald W. Peckham)

Tovar Viera, Rodrigo (2023): “Genre analysis of English article abstracts in Ecuadorian and North American journals: A contrastive study (advisor: Lesznyák, Márta)

Mehdizadkhani, Milad (2024): Non-Professional Subtitling in Iran: A Study on Quality, Motivation, and Audience Perception (advisor: Barát, Erzsébet)


- university degree and documented English knowledge

- successfully completed entrance examination

Documents to be enclosed with the application:

- copy of the university degree,

- two-page long research proposal,

- certificates of language teaching practice, if any.

The entrance examination consists of two parts.. The first part of the exam aims at testing the applicant’s background in general linguistics. Those possessing an MA degree in general and applied linguistics or in theoretical linguistics are dispensed from this part of the exam. The second part involves one item from the listing of books below and two papers (selected by the applicant) from internationally acknowledged linguistics journals (e.g. Language in Society, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Journal of Pragmatics, etc.).

Lightbown, Patsy M. and Nina Spada, How languages are learned. (4th edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.

Schiffrin, Deborah, Approaches to discourse. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 1994.

Senft, Gunter, Understanding pragmatics: An interdisciplinary approach to language use. London and New York: Routledge, 2014.

Wardhaugh, Ronald, An introduction to sociolinguistics. Oxford: Blackwell, 2005.