Language of instruction: Hungarian or English

8 semesters – total credits: 240

1. Obligatory requirements (200 credits)

a) Research (170 credits: 10 each in semesters 1 and 2, and 25 each in semesters 3 through 8)

Research leading to the dissertation, as specified by the dissertation advisor.

Research requirements involves completion of a research report in each of the first two semesters of coursework to obtain the credits, as well as the completion of a publishable paper in each of the semesters 3 through 6.

In semesters 7 and 8, completed chapters of the dissertation are to be handed in and two oral presentations based on them to be given for the successful fulfillment of the research credits.

b) Obligatory courses: 6 (contact hours: 2 hours weekly, 5 credits per course, total of 30 credits)

Semester 1:

1. Phonology (Theoretical Linguistics Program, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)

2. Morphology (Theoretical Linguistics Program, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)

3. Syntax (István Kenesei)

Semester 2:

4. Grammatical system of a Uralic language. (István Kozmács, Katalin Sipőcz, Sándor Szeverényi)

5. Linguistic typology. (Marianne Bakró-Nagy)

6. One of the following

a. Historical and comparative linguistics (Marianne Bakró-Nagy)

b. Historical grammar of a Uralic language (István Kozmács, Katalin Sipőcz, Sándor Szeverényi)

c. Language documentation (Sándor Szeverényi)

2. Optional requirements (total of 40 credits, 20 of them to be completed in semesters 1–4 and 20 in semesters 5–8, fulfilled in any combination of the five categories of requirements below)

a) Optional courses (from any program within the Doctoral School of Linguistics): 4 credits each (a maximum of one per semester, to be taken with the approval of the program director and dissertation advisor)

b) Directed study (with dissertation advisor) (4 credits per semester)

c) Conference presentations (individually authored or co-authored presentation or poster presentation listed in the conference program)

poster presentation in mother tongue1

poster presentation in a second/foreign language2

oral conference presentation in mother tongue 4

oral conference presentation in a second/foreign language 5

d) Paper published or accepted for publication

paper in mother tongue    4

paper in a second/foreign language    5

e) Teaching (one one-hour seminar course of 14 weeks: 2 credits; a maximum of 8 credits per semester, and a total of 48 credits as per University of Szeged Regulations of Doctoral Studies and Conferring the Doctoral Degree).

f) Scholarly peer review    1


Descriptive or historical phonology of the Uralic languages

Descriptive or historical morphology of the Uralic languages

Descriptive or historical syntax of the Uralic languages

Descriptive or historical lexicology of the Uralic languages

Sociolinguistics of the Uralic languages

Typology of the Uralic languages 


Uralic languages


1. Descriptive and historical study of Samoyedic languages

1.a. Phonology
1.b. Morphology
1.c. Syntax

1.d. Semantics, lexicology

2. Descriptive and historical study of Ob-Ugric languages

2.a. Phonology
2.b. Morphology
2.c. Syntax

2.d. Semantics, lexicology

3. Descriptive and historical study of the Udmurt language

3.a. Phonology
3.b. Morphology
3.c. Syntax

3.d. Semantics, lexicology

4. Descriptive and historical-comparative study of Uralic languages

5. Lexicological and semantic studies

6. Typological studies

7. Sociolinguistic studies

8. Language documentation


Katalin Sipőcz

Sándor Szeverényi


Year 2:

Ekaterina Suntcova

Year 4:

Marina Romanova

Public defence:

Horváth Csilla: The vitality and revitalisation attempts of the Mansi language in Khanty-Mansiysk. 2021.


1st term:

Historical and comparative linguistics (Marianne Bakró-Nagy DSc)

Descriptive Grammar of a Uralic language (Beáta Wagner-Nagy PhD, Katalin Sipőcz PhD, Sándor Szeverényi PhD, István Kozmács PhD)

Phonology, The theory of syntax, Formal semantics (see Theoretical linguistics)

2nd term:

Language typology (Marianne Bakró-Nagy DSc)

Historical Grammar of a Uralic Language (Marianne Bakró-Nagy DSc, Beáta Wagner-Nagy PhD, Katalin Sipőcz PhD, Sándor Szeverényi PhD, István Kozmács PhD)

Sociolinguistics (see English applied linguistics)

3rd term:

Phonology (General and Uralic) (Marianne Bakró-Nagy DSc)

Morpho-syntax (General and Uralic) (Marianne Bakró-Nagy DSc, Sándor Szeverényi PhD)

Lexicology (General and Uralic) (Katalin Sipőcz PhD)

4th term:

Consultations (with specialists of the chosen field)

Research Seminar (Marianne Bakró-Nagy DSc and the supervisors)

5th and 6th terms:

Research seminar, training abroad, consultations

The Uralic Studies Programme, in accordance with the general rules of the Graduate School in Linguistics, prescribes the following courses:

During the first three terms, lectures and seminars are given either as class-room courses or as tutorials (even in bigger blocks), the number of compulsory courses is three per week. Later on, courses can be chosen from the optional list. Students are expected to know at the entrance exam the subfield of Uralic studies that the dissertation will be about. The specific topic must be announced at the beginning of the 4th term.


PhD students can use the University Library and the Department’s library, computers and tape-recorders.


MA degree in Finno-Ugric Studies with distinction: it guarantees the necessary background and literature for the successful completion of the courses.

The applicants have to join their M.A. thesis and a 1-2 page long preliminary research project.

Some knowledge (reading and understanding) of the Uralic language(s) under investigation

Reading and understanding of Finnish, German and English, reading of Russian

Examination based on the recommended reading list.


Wagner-Nagy Beáta: Die deverbalen Verbalsuffixe im Nganasanischen. 2000.

Katalin Sipőcz: Az uráli nyelvek testrészneveiről [Body-part terms in Uralic]. 2000.

Körtvély Erika: A tundrai nyenyec igeragozás [Tundra Nenets verb inflection]. 2003.

István Kozmács: Az -śk- képző az udmurt (votják) igeképzés rendszerében [The derivative suffix -śk- in the verbal derivation system of Udmurt (Votyak)]. 2004.

Szeverényi Sándor: Tulajdonságfogalmak lexikai kategorizációja a nganaszanban [Lexical Categorization of Property Concept Words in Nganasan]. 2008.

Gugán Katalin: Aspektus és akcióminőség a hantiban (szurguti nyelvjárás) [Aspect and Aktionsart in the Khanty language (Surgut dialect)]. 2013.

Bíró Bernadett: Cselekvésneves szerkezetek a manysiban [Nominalization in the Mansi language]. 2015. 

Mus Nikolett: Interrogative words and content questions in Tundra Nenets. 2015.

Janurik Boglárka: Erzya–Russian bilingual discourse: Structural analysis of intrasentential code-switching patterns. 2018.

Georgieva, Ekaterina: Non-finite adverbial clauses in Udmurt. 2018.

Németh Zoltán: Udvariasság az udmurt nyelvben: nemleges válaszok, bocsánatkérés, bókra adott válasz és kérés [Politeness in Udmurt Language: negative answers, apologies, response to compliments and requests]. 2022.


Programme director: Katalin Sipőcz

Department of Uralic Studies

H-6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2. Hungary

Phone: +36-62-544-546

Fax: +36-62-544-687
