The program aims at training experts who have general knowledge in the most important fields of Romance linguistics, can follow the academic discussion on their own, and can achieve new scientific results in at least one of these areas. They publish regularly in French, Italian or Spanish, and present their research results at conferences.
Language of instruction: French, Italian or Spanish, and English
8 semesters – total credits: 240
In the course of the application process students in the Romance Linguistics PhD Program select one of the 3 specializations offered by the program. The specializations are as follows:
•French linguistics
•Italian linguistics
•Spanish linguistics
1. Obligatory requirements (200 credits)
a) Research
(a total of 170 credits, as follows: 10 each in semesters 1 and 2, and 25 each in semesters 3 through 8)
Research leading to the dissertation, as specified by the dissertation advisor.
The research requirement involves completion of a research report in each of the first two semesters of coursework, to be accepted by the dissertation advisor, and the completion of a publishable paper in each of the semesters 3 through 6.
In semesters 7 and 8, completed chapters of the dissertation are to be handed in and an oral presentation based on them to be given for the successful fulfilment of the research credits.
b) Obligatory and obligatory selectable courses: 6 (contact hours: 2 hours weekly, 5 credits per course, total of 30 credits)
1. Introduction to Romance linguistics (1st semester)
2. One of the following courses of the Theoretical Linguistics PhD Program:
- Phonology (1st semester)
- Syntax (1st semester)
- Semantics (2nd semester)
- Pragmatics (2nd semester)
3. The following obligatorily selectable courses are determined by the selected specialization. Three courses are obligatorily selectable within the specialization, and one course must be selected from the courses offered by other specializations.
Specialization in French linguistics (Zsuzsanna Gécseg (head), Dávid Szabó, Márton Gergely Horváth)
- Syntax (1st semester)
- Lexicology and lexicography (1st semester)
- Semantics (2nd semester)
- Pragmatics (2nd semester)
- Contrastive linguistics (2nd semester)
- French phonetics and phonology (2nd semester)
Specialization in Italian linguistics (Andrea Zentainé Kollár (head), Sermann Eszter)
- Terminology (2nd semester)
- Translation studies (1st semester)
- European and Italian language policy (1st semester)
- Sociolinguistics (2nd semester)
- Morphology (1st semester)
- Syntax (2nd semester)
Specialization in Spanish linguistics (Tibor Berta (head))
- Phonology (1st semester)
- Historical phonology (1st semester)
- Iberian Romance morphosyntax (1st semester)
- Syntax (2nd semester)
- Historical syntax (2nd semester)
- Iberian Romance historical pragmatics (2nd semester)
2. Optional requirements (total of 40 credits, 20 of them to be completed in semesters 1–4 and 20 in semesters 5–8, fulfilled in any combination of the five categories of requirements below)
a) Optional courses (from other programs within the Doctoral School of Linguistics): 4 credits each (a maximum of one per semester, to be taken with the approval of the program director and dissertation advisor)
b) Directed study (with dissertation advisor) (4 credits per semester)
c) Conference presentations (individually authored or co-authored presentation or poster presentation listed in the conference program)
poster presentation in mother tongue 1
poster presentation in a second/foreign language 2
oral conference presentation in mother tongue 4
oral conference presentation in a second/foreign language 5
d) Publications
paper in mother tongue 4
paper in a second/foreign language 5
d) Teaching (one one-hour seminar course of 14 weeks: 2 credits; a maximum of 8 credits per semester, and a total of 48 credits as per University of Szeged Regulations of Doctoral Studies and Conferring the Doctoral Degree).
e) Scholarly peer review 1
Syntax of French and Hungarian (Zsuzsanna Gécseg)
Information structure of the sentence (Zsuzsanna Gécseg)
French/Hungarian semantics (Zsuzsanna Gécseg)
French Prosody (Márton Gergely Horváth)
French Syntax (Márton Gergely Horváth)
Sociolinguistic Study of Nonstandard Varieties (Dávid Szabó)
Study of French/Francophone Slang (Dávid Szabó)
Comparative Slang Studies (Dávid Szabó)
How to translate nonstandard varieties (Dávid Szabó)
Slang and lexicography (Dávid Szabó)
Italian sociolinguistics (Andrea Zentainé Kollár)
Language policy (Andrea Zentainé Kollár)
Language rights and minority education in Italy (Andrea Zentainé Kollár)
Spanish syntax (Tibor Berta)
Spanish historical syntax (Tibor Berta)
Iberian Romance morphosyntax (Tibor Berta)
PhD students have access to the university library as well as they have their own shared office with computers in the Romance Institute. Furthermore, they can use printers and Xerox machines of the Department of the Romance Institute corresponding to their specialization.
Proficiency in the language of their specialization (at least C1 level)
Knowledge of English (at least B2 level)
MA degree
1-2 page long preliminary research project
Examination based on the recommended reading list
French linguistics specialization:
Fagyal, Zs., Kibbee, D. & Jenkins, F. : French: A Linguistic Introduction. Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Moeschler, J. & Auchlin, A. : Introduction à la linguistique contemporaine. Armand Colin, Paris, 2018.
Moreau, M-L. : Sociolinguistique. Concepts de base. Sprimont, Mardaga, 1997.
Niklas-Salminen, A. : La lexicologie. Armand Colin, Paris, 1997.
Yaguello, M. (éd.) : Le grand livre de la langue française. Seuil, Paris, 2003.
Zufferey, S. & Moeschler, J. : Initiation à l’étude du sens. Sémantique et pragmatique. Éditions Sciences Humaines, Auxerre, 2012.
Four papers selected by the candidates from internationally acknowledged journals of Romance linguistics (e.g. Langue française, Langages, Travaux de linguistique, L’information grammaticale, Langage et société, Argotica)
Italian linguistics specialization:
Berruto, G. & Cerruti, M.: La linguistica: un corso introduttivo. UTET, Novara, 2017, 333 p.
Berruto, G. & Cerruti, M.: Manuale di sociolinguistica. UTET, Torino, 2020, 274 p.
D’Agostini, M.: Sociolinguistica dell’Italia contemporanea. Il Mulino, Bologna, 2012, 292 p.
Four papers selected by the candidates from internationally acknowledged journals of Romance linguistics (Lingua e Stile, Rivista di Dialettologia Italiana, Studi di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata)
Spanish linguistics specialization:
Hualde, I. et al.: Introducción a la lingüística hispánica. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010.
Penny, R.: Variation and change in Spanish. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000. / Variación y cambio en español. Gredos, Madrid, 2004.
Silva-Corvalán, C. − Enrique-Arias, A.: Sociolingüística y pragmática del español. Georgetown Universitiy Press, Washington D. C., 2017.
Torrens Álvarez, M. J.: Evolución e historia de la lengua española. Arco Libros, Madrid, 2007.
Four papers selected by the candidates from internationally acknowledged journals of Romance linguistics (e.g. Nueva revista de filología hispánica, Revista de filología española, RILCE. Revista de filología hispánica, Sintagma)
Programme director: Prof. Assoc. Zsuzsanna Gécseg
Department of French Linguistics and Literature
H-6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2. Hungary
Phone: +36-62-544-000 ext. 6375
Fax: +36-62-544-243
E-mail: gecsegz at