Language of instruction: Russian

8 semesters – total credits: 240

1. Obligatory requirements (200 credits)

a) Research (a total of 170 credits, as follows: 10 each in semesters 1 and 2, and 25 each in semesters 3 through 8)

Research leading to the dissertation, as specified by the dissertation advisor.

The research requirement involves completion of a research report in each of the first two semesters of coursework, to be accepted by the dissertation advisor, and the completion of a publishable paper in each of the semesters 3 through 6.

In semesters 7 and 8, completed chapters of the dissertation are to be handed in and an oral presentation based on them to be given for the successful fulfillment of the research credits.

b) Obligatory courses: 6 (contact hours: 2 hours weekly, 5 credits per course, total of 30 credits)

Semester 1:

1. Corpora of Russian (Beáta Györfi)

2. Russian morphosyntax (Károly Bibok)

3. One of the following:

Sociolinguistics of Russian (Károly Bibok) OR

Verbal aspect in Slavic languages (Ilona Erdei) OR

Changes in Russian vocabulary at the turn of 20th–21st centuries (Katalin Kugler and Szabolcs Janurik)

Semester 2:

4. Quantitative methods in linguistics (Beáta Györfi)

5. Lexical semantics and lexical pragmatics (Károly Bibok)

6. One of the following:

Pragmatics (course of the Theoretical Linguistics PhD Program in Hungarian or in English) OR

Theoretical issues of translation (Ilona Erdei and Beáta Györfi)

2. Optional requirements (a total of 40 credits, 20 of them to be completed in semesters 1–4 and 20 in semesters 5–8, to be fulfilled in any combination of the five categories of requirements below)

a) Optional courses (from any program within the Doctoral School of Linguistics): 4 credits each (a maximum of one per semester, to be taken with the approval of the program director and dissertation advisor)

b) Directed study (with dissertation advisor) (4 credits per semester)

c) Conference presentations (individually authored or co-authored presentation or poster presentation listed in the conference program)

poster presentation in mother tongue    1

poster presentation in a second/foreign language    2

oral conference presentation in mother tongue    4

oral conference presentation in a second/foreign language    5

d) Paper published or accepted for publication

paper in mother tongue    4

paper in a second/foreign language    5

e) Teaching (one one-hour seminar course of 14 weeks: 2 credits; a maximum of 8 credits per semester, and a total of 48 credits as per University of Szeged Regulations of Doctoral Studies and Conferring the Doctoral Degree).

f) Scholarly peer review    1


Morphology of the Russian language

Syntax of the Russian language

Lexis of the Russian language

Lexical semantics

Lexical pragmatics

Russian-Hungarian contrastive linguistics

Sociolinguistics of the Russian language

Methods of computational analysis of the Russian language


Dr. Bibok, Károly

Syntactic alternations

Word meaning from semantic and pragmatic perspectives


Dr. Erdei, Ilona

Semantic and pragmatic problems of the Russian verb aspect

Theoretical issues of translation studies – with special attention to Russian and Hungarian


Dr. Györfi, Beáta

Syntactic issues of Russian linguistics in recent theoretical frameworks

Corpus-based investigations

Issues of typological and contrastive linguistics

Dr. Janurik, Szabolcs

English lexical elements in Russian

Lexis of contemporary Russian (21st century)

English lexical borrowings in contemporary Russian slang

Dr. Kugler, Katalin

Changes in the lexicon in the past decades



Károly Bibok

Ilona Erdei

Beáta Györfi

Szabolcs Janurik

Katalin Kugler


Infrastructure available to students:

Ph.D. students can use the university library as well as have their own shared office with computers.


Szabolcs Janurik: Az angol szókészleti elemek kölcsönzésének kérdései a mai orosz nyelvben: Az 1980-as évektől napjainkig [Problems of the borrowing of English lexical items in Modern Russian: From 1980-s to date], 2007.


Proficiency in Russian

Some knowledge (reading, understanding) of another widely spoken language

Preliminary research project

Examination based on the recommended reading list

Экзамен включает в себя беседу о содержании пяти из следующих библиографических единиц (по выбору студента):

Алефиренко, Н.Ф., Современные проблемы науки о языке: Учебное пособие. M.: Флинта, 2005.

Баранов, А. Н. Введение в прикладную лингвистику : Учебное пособие. М.: Эдиториал УРСС, 2009, 2-е изд., испр.

Беликов, В.И. – Крысин, Л.П., Социолингвистика. М.: РГГУ, 2001.

Белошапкова, В.А. (ред.), Современный русский язык. М.: Азбуковник, 1997, 3-е изд., испр. и доп.

Герд, А.С. (отв. ред.), Прикладное языкознание: Учебник. СПб.: Изд-во С.-Петербург. ун-та, 1996.

Касаткин, Л.Л. (ред.), Русский язык: Учеб. для студ. М.: Академия, 2004, 2-е изд., испр. и доп. / 2005, 3-е изд., стер.

Кибрик, А.А. – Кобозева, И.М. – Секерина, И.А. (ред.), Фундаментальные направления современной американской лингвистики: Сборник обзоров. М.: Изд-во Московского университета, 1997.

Кобозева, И.М. Лингвистичекая семантика. М.: Эдиториал УРСС, 2000.

Кодзасов, С.В. – Кривнова, О.Ф., Общая фонетика. М.: РГГУ, 2001.

Кронгауз, М.А., Семантика. М.: РГГУ, 2001.

Крысин, Л.П. (отв. ред.), Современный русский язык: Активные процессы на рубеже XX–XXI веков. М.: ЯСК, 2008.

Новиков, Л.А. (общ. ред.), Современный русский язык: учебник. Фонетика. Лексикология. Словообразование. Морфология. Синтаксис. СПб.: Лань, 1999, 2-е изд., испр. и доп.

Плунгян, В.А., Общая морфология: введение в проблематику. М.: Эдиториал УРСС, 2000.

Тестелец, Я.Г., Введение в общий синтаксис. М.: РГГУ, 2001.

Baylin, J. F., The syntax of Russian. Cambridge: CUP, 2011.

Franks, S., Parameters of Slavic Morphosyntax. Oxford: OUP, 1995.

Franks, S. – Andrews, E. – Feldstein, R. (eds.), Slavic linguistics 2000: The future of Slavic linguistics in America. = Glossos 8, Fall 2006.

Jachnow, H. (Hrsg.), Handbuch der sprachwissenschaftlichen Russistik. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz, 1999.


Programme director: Prof. Károly Bibok DSc

Department of Russian Philology

H-6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2.

Phone/fax: +32-62-544-160

E-mail: kbibok at