The main goal of the program is to train professionals who are familiar with the major fields of German linguistics and follow their development on their own. They can achieve new scientific results in at least one area through individual research and present them (primarily) in German in scientific publications and at conferences. Special emphasis is placed on how theoretical knowledge can be used in empirical investigations. Students are able to continuously expand their acquired knowledge and to make comparisons between language variants of German or between German and other languages.
Ágel, Vilmos
Kertész, András
Kispál, Tamás
Nolda, Andreas
Sárvári, Tünde
Scheibl, György
Zifonun, Gisela
Students have to choose one of the following specializations during the admission process:
-German descriptive linguistics
-Contrastive linguistics
-Translation studies
-Learning and teaching German as a foreign/minority language
8 semesters – total credits: 240
1. Obligatory requirements (200 credits)
a) Research (a total of 170 credits as follows: 10 each in semesters 1–2, and 25 each in semesters 3–8)
Research leading to the dissertation, as specified by the dissertation advisor:
-in each of the semesters 1 and 2: completion of a research report, to be accepted by the dissertation advisor
-in each of the semesters 3 through 6: completion of a paper (in German or Hungarian) that can be issued for peer review
-in each of the semesters 7 and 8: completed chapters of the dissertation are to be handed in and an oral presentation based on them is to be given in German
b) Obligatory and obligatory elective theoretical courses: 6 courses (2 contact hours weekly and 5 credits per course, total of 30 credits)
The basic course of the chosen specialization is obligatory. The basic courses of the other specializations and two other courses of the chosen specialization are obligatory elective. The latter can also be completed by prior arrangement by choosing from compatible courses from other programs of the Doctoral School in Linguistics. Completion of the six courses is recommended in the first two semesters.
German descriptive linguistics specialization
obligatory basic course (semester 1):
-German descriptive linguistics
obligatory elective basic courses of the other specializations (semester 1):
-Contrastive linguistics
-Translation studies
-(Foreign) language acquisition
obligatory elective courses of the chosen specialization (semester 2):
-Text linguistics
-Synchronic/diachronic language variants
Contrastive linguistics specialization
obligatory basic course (semester 1):
-Contrastive linguistics
obligatory elective basic courses of the other specializations (semester 1):
-German descriptive linguistics
-Translation studies
-(Foreign) language acquisition
obligatory elective courses of the chosen specialization (semester 2):
-Contrastive morphology
-Contrastive lexicology/phraseology
-Contrastive syntax
-Contrastive text linguistics
Translation studies specialization
obligatory basic course (semester 1):
-Translation studies
obligatory elective basic courses of the other specializations (semester 1):
-German descriptive linguistics
-Contrastive linguistics
-(Foreign) language acquisition
obligatory elective courses of the chosen specialization (semester 2):
-Cultural studies
-Language mediation in foreign language teaching
Learning and teaching German as a foreign/minority language specialization
obligatory basic course (semester 1):
-(Foreign) language acquisition
obligatory elective basic courses of the other specializations (semester 1):
-German descriptive linguistics
-Contrastive linguistics
-Translation studies
obligatory elective courses of the chosen specialization (semester 2):
-Foreign language teaching as a new discipline
-New paradigms in teaching German as a foreign/minority language
-Analysis of classroom processes
2. Optional requirements (total of 40 credits, 20 credits to be completed in semesters 1–4 and 20 in semesters 5–8, fulfilled in any combination of the five categories of requirements below)
a) Optional courses (from other programs within the Doctoral School in Linguistics): 4 credits each (maximum one course per semester, to be taken with the approval of the program director and dissertation advisor)
b) Research seminar (held by dissertation advisor) (4 credits per semester)
c) Conference presentations (individually authored or co-authored presentation or poster presentation listed in the conference program)
poster presentation in mother tongue1
poster presentation in a second/foreign language2
oral conference presentation in mother tongue 4
oral conference presentation in a second/foreign language 5
d) Paper published or accepted for publication
paper in Hungarian: 4 credits
paper in foreign language: 5 credits
d) Teaching (one 1-hour seminar of 14 weeks: 2 credits; a maximum of 8 credits per semester, and a total of 48 credits as per University of Szeged Regulations of Doctoral Studies and Conferring the Doctoral Degree).
German descriptive linguistics: morphology
German descriptive linguistics: lexicology
German descriptive linguistics: phraseology
German descriptive linguistics: syntax
German descriptive linguistics: text linguistics
Synchronic/diachronic language variants
Contrastive morphology
Contrastive lexicology
Contrastive phraseology
Contrastive syntax
Contrastive text linguistics
Translation studies
Learning and teaching German as a foreign/minority language
Link to the journals advised by the Doctoral School of Linguistics to publish in:
German descriptive linguistics:
-Text linguistics
-Synchronic/diachronic language variants
Contrastive linguistics:
-Contrastive morphology
-Contrastive lexicology
-Contrastive phraseology
-Contrastive syntax
-Contrastive text linguistics
Translation studies:
-Translating realia
-Translatability of language creativity
-Translating phraseologisms
-Language mediation in foreign language teaching
Learning and teaching German as a foreign/minority language:
-Early foreign language acquisition
-Learning German as a second foreign language
-Learning German as a minority language
-(Language) teacher communication
Lantos, Viktória
Students with completed training:
Rózsa, Katinka
-Prerequisite: university degree and German language skills at level C1.
-The admission exam is a discussion in German in accordance with the candidate's linguistic interests, in which the candidate's abilities are assessed primarily and not his/her factual or lexical knowledge. During the discussion, the candidate must give an account of his/her research plans and knowledge of linguistics, as well as German language skills.
-The candidate must submit a German-language linguistic study or an excerpt of his/her MA thesis (maximum 20 pages) at least two weeks prior to the exam.
-The application materials must include a research plan in Hungarian and German in two pages each.
-All candidates are required to have knowledge about an introduction to linguistics and a grammar from the following list:
Introductions to linguistics:
-Drahota-Szabó, Erzsébet (2015): Einführung in die Sprachwissenschaft. Szeged: Grimm Kiadó.
-Bergmann, Rolf/Pauly, Peter/Stricker, Stefanie (2010): Einführung in die deutsche Sprachwissenschaft. 5. Auflage. Heidelberg: Winter Verlag.
-Ernst, Peter (2004): Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft. Wien: Facultas Verlags- und Buchhandels AG.
-Kessel, Katja/Reimann, Sandra (2008): Basiswissen Deutsche Gegenwartssprache. Zweite, überarbeitete Auflage. Tübingen/Basel: A. Francke Verlag.
-Linke, Angelika/Nussbaumer, Markus/Portmann, Paul R. (2004): Studienbuch Linguistik. 5. Auflage. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter Verlag.
-Meibauer, Jörg/Demske, Ulrike/Geilfuß-Wolfgang, Jochen/Pafel, Jürgen/Ramers, Karl Heinz (2015): Einführung in die germanistische Linguistik. 3., überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage. Stuttgart/Weimar: Metzler.
-Pelz, Heidrun (2005): Linguistik. Eine Einführung. Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe Verlag.
-Vater, Heinz (2002): Einführung in die Sprachwissenschaft. 4. Auflage. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag.
German grammars:
-DUDEN (2016): Die Grammatik. Unentbehrlich für richtiges Deutsch. (= Der Duden in zwölf Bänden. Das Standardwerk zur deutschen Sprache. Band 4.) Mannheim/Leipzig/Wien/Zürich: Dudenverlag.
-Engel, Ulrich (2004): Deutsche Grammatik. Neubearbeitung. München: Iudicium Verlag.
-Eisenberg, Peter (2013): Grundriss der deutschen Grammatik. Das Wort. 4. Auflage. Stuttgart/Weimar: Metzler Verlag.
-Eisenberg, Peter Eisenberg (2013): Grundriss der deutschen Grammatik. Der Satz. 4. Auflage. Stuttgart/Weimar: Metzler Verlag.
-Helbig, Gerhard/Buscha, Joachim (2001): Deutsche Grammatik. Ein Handbuch für den Ausländerunterricht. Berlin/München: Langenscheidt.
-Hentschel, Elke/Weydt, Harald (2013): Handbuch der Deutschen Grammatik. 5., vollständig überarbeitete Auflage. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter Verlag.
-Hoffmann, Ludger (2016): Deutsche Grammatik. Grundlagen für Lehrerausbildung, Schule, Deutsch als Zweitsprache und Deutsch als Fremdsprache. 3., neu bearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag
Scheibl, György (2005): Zwei Senatoren bestechen drei Vestalinnen. Die referentiell-strukturelle Ambiguität im Deutschen – advisor: Maleczki, Márta
Németh, János (2008): Buchstabengebrauch in der Ödenburger Kanzleischriftlichkeit vom 16. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert (1510–1800) – advisor: Bassola, Péter
Németh, Attila (2009): Dialekt, Sprachmischung und Spracheinstellungen am Beispiel deutscher Dialekte in Ungarn – advisor: Földes, Csaba
Hum, Rozália (2010): Untersuchung von reziproken Strukturen valenter Substantive in der deutschen Sprache – advisor: Bassola, Péter
Kispál, Tamás (2010): Die metaphorische Konzeptualisierung des menschlichen Lebens in deutschen Idiomen – advisor: Kertész, András
Czicza, Dániel (2011): Das ‚es‘-Gesamtsystem in neuhochdeutschen Nähetexten – advisor: Ágel, Vilmos
Gárgyán, Gabriella (2011): Der am-Progressiv im heutigen Deutsch. Neue Erkenntnisse mit besonderer Hinsicht auf die Sprachgeschichte, die Aspektualität und den kontrastiven Vergleich mit dem Ungarischen – advisor: Bassola, Péter
Rauzs, Orsolya (2016): Aggregative Negation im Neuhochdeutschen. Eine Korpusanalyse – advisor: Ágel, Vilmos
Kappel, Péter (2017): Integrationsgrad vorangestellter Adverbialsätze im Neuhochdeutschen (1650-2000) – advisor: Ágel, Vilmos
Sántáné Túri, Ágnes (2021): Die Selbstständigkeit der Substantivvalenz – advisor: Bassola, Péter
Vargáné Drewnowska, Ewa (1998): Ein neues textlinguistisches Instrumentarium und seine Anwendung im Aufbau der Schreibkompetenz ungarischer Germanistikstudenten – advisor: Bassola, Péter
Gombocz, Eszter (2001): Zur kontrastiven Wortfamilienanalyse – Deutsch-Ungarisch. Theoretische Grundlegung und praktische Anwendung – advisor: Bassola, Péter
Programme director: Prof. Dr. Erzsébet Drahota-Szabó
Deputy program director: Dr. György Scheibl
Department of German Linguistics
H-6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2.
Phone: +36-62-544-249